
Technical Training

Training Students on how to accurately and thoroughly face the technical components of their jobs, introducing them to computers and helps them imbibe basic desktop publishing skills.

Leardership & Entrepreneurship

Leadership and Entrepreneurship are a compulsory part of our training philosophy to imbibe in our students ethical skills and to help hone their creativity.


Students are trained intensively on hardware and software training for phones, tablets and related electronic devices. Fault detection and troubleshooting are also part of our training courses.

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“Touching Lives...Raising People”

SLOT FOUNDATION is primarily built to help budding Entrepreneurs and promote locally made Nigeria products that would create jobs and promote local content. However, it would promote the importance of vocational training and fostering creativity and employment for the Nigerian youth.


Over 5000
Student Trained.
About 300
Currently on Scholarship
0 %
Over 60%
Gainfully Employed
0 %
About 40%
Under Intenship

At SLOT, We Understand
that Success doesn't
Just Happen.


Happy Students​
Touching Lives, Raising People

Become A Volunteer

Student Registration

2B Medical Road, Ikeja Lagos

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Ezeigbo SLOT Foundation© 2021. All Rights Reserved